CSR Financial Summary, 2019

GA Insurance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) role has been increasing over the years. The CSR programme and projects are anchored through the Bhagwanji Raja Charitable Foundation under the Trustee of the company Executive Director and othe

CSR Financial Summary, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

GA Insurance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) role has been increasing over the years.  The CSR programme and projects are anchored through the Bhagwanji Raja Charitable Foundation under the Trustee of the company Executive Director and other Directors.

To enhance programmes sustainability, relationship with the institutions, groups, communities and individuals, the company CSR committee is mandated to oversee the CSR activities under the patronage of the HR Department reporting to the HRC.

The CSR function of the company has been anchored on the following key pillars:

  • Education scholarships programme.
  • Special needs Institutional support programme.
  • School feeding and Sanitary towels programme.
  • Health management support programme.
  • Environmental Sustainability programme.
  • Sports and Talent Development programme.

Education scholarship

GA Education Scholarship programme is in its eighth year of sustainability. We are currently supporting 129 needy students from all corners of the country and at different levels of their studies. We are currently having 43 University students,5 in different technical and professional colleges,51 in Secondary School and 30 in primary school.

For the last one year, a total of 33 students have completed different levels of studies. At the university level, we have 8 successful finalists who included 1 Master degree,6 Bachelor degree and 1 from a tertiary institution. This is one of the biggest projects under the company CSR. The company provides full support namely professional career and life counselling, monitory support for tuition, boarding and personal upkeep.

Special needs Institutional support Programme

A unique collaborative programme between staff and the company tagged Lunch for Lazarus’ is in its fourth year of sustainability. Each year the staff visit St Teresa’s children’s home to support children living with congenital development challenges.


St Teresa’s children’s home

GA Insurance’s Finance Manager Presenting a Cheque to St Teresa’s children’s home



GA Insurance Head Office Staff Presenting Donations to St Teresa’s children’s home

GA Insurance Head Office Staff Presenting Donations to St Teresa’s children’s home


The home is run by Missionaries of Charity, Otiende, Langata. In addition to financial support, the staff also assist in daily chores, feeding the children and cleaning. In 2019, the company supported in renovating of the girl’s ablution block.


GA staff who visited St Teresa’s children’s home to support children living with congenital development challenges

GA staff who visited St Teresa’s children’s home to support children living with congenital development challenges


Additionally, at Kyangoma Boarding Special School located in Mbooni Makueni County, the Company donated and constructed a full ablution block, equipped 100 boys’ capacity dormitory and donated and connected water tanks to the boys’ ablution and Kitchen blocks. The project provided the much-needed relief to 82 boys with special needs.


Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County

Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County



Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County

Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County



Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County

Already Constructed Full Ablution Block of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County



Already Equipped 100 boys’ capacity dormitory of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County

Already Equipped 100 boys’ capacity dormitory of Kyangoma Boarding Special School in Makueni County


School feeding and Sanitary towels programme

GA in partnership with the Giant Group Twiga has for the last fourth year supported two major sustainable programs on provision of annual supply of sanitary towels to more than 1,450 girls in Gacharage Secondary and Primary schools located at Kihara Kiambu County.The program has gone a long way in enhancing school attendance and dignity to Girl child.


Distribution of sanitary towels to more than 1,450 girls in Gacharage Secondary and Primary schools located at Kihara Kiambu County by GA Insurance Staff

Distribution of sanitary towels to more than 1,450 girls in Gacharage Secondary and Primary schools located at Kihara Kiambu County by GA Insurance Staff


Additionally, for the last four years, GA has been supporting Loreto Primary school located at Ngegu Kiambu County with annual supply of fortified porridge through the school feeding program benefitting over 1000 pupils. The school has a special needs unit with over 50 pupils.

Health management and support programme

GA health support programs is channeled through our charity partners Kamili Organization, Faraja Cancer support trust and directly to the respective beneficiaries. The initiative is in its sixth year of sustainability. The program supports over 7,700 patients in three mental health clinics in Nairobi and eighteen outreach mental health clinics in other parts of Kenya in addition to training of nurses. The company supports the organization financially on a monthly basis.

Additionally, for the last three years, the company has been supporting the management and treatment of cancer patients through the Faraja Cancer support trust.

Environmental Sustainability programme

The company has for the last 8 years supported over 3000 less fortunate women from the Kibera slums through the Kipepeo trust foundation. The self-help group has ventured in recycling of waste paper. The program has enhanced greater opportunity for the women to manage environmental pollution while making a sustainable livelihood. We additionally assist by virtue of marketing their product and purchasing above market price for the support.

Sports and Talent Development programme

For the last three years, GA CSR has supported sports and talent development through our charity partners Shamas rugby foundation and the Art of Music foundation. Through sports and music, the programme has assisted in integrating 42 students back to formal school. The programme has been a huge success in combating school dropout rate and social crimes in various Nairobi informal settlements.

The company has occasionally and on one time basis supported several needy and deserving cases. The company CSR philosophy is anchored on the three “P” – People – Planet- Profits.

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