Domestic Travel Insurance

NB: Cover will be valid for journeys to a destination within Kenya that is more than 100Km’s from the insured home.
NB: Maximum insured age is 80 years with additional premiums charges for persons over 66 years.
Important Points
  • Pre-existing conditions and scheduled medical treatments are not covered.
  • Prior notice should be given incase there is a need to cancel a policy,policies that will have already taken effect will not be cancelled.

Total cost

Exchange rate: US$1 = KES 132
Starts: Ends: No. of days: 0
Insured Individuals
No. of insured: 0 0 - 18 years: 0 0 19 - 65 years: 0 0 66 - 75 years: 0 0 76 - 80 years: 0 0 Group Discount: 0 = 0% ( 0 0) Total Cost = 0 0
PHCF (0.25%) = 0 0 Training levy (0.2%) = 0 0 Stamp Duty (KES 40/-) = 0 0 Levies Total: 0 0


0 0

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