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Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

GA Pet Insurance policy covers any animal kept not for economic gain but for the owner’s comfort

Pet Insurance

GA Pet Insurance policy covers any animal kept not for economic gain but for the owner’s comfort e.g. Dogs, Cats. Finding the right Pet Insurance policy to suit your pet can be both confusing and time consuming, At GA, we cater for the needs of all Pet Owners and that is reflected by our ability to innovate and service delivery. Requires duly completed application form, premium payment, current veterinary medical and valuation report from local Veterinary doctor and a photo of the animal, ANIMAL Identification (EAR TAGS, TATOOS, MICROCHIPS FOR DOGS AND OTHER PETS below 10 years of age), and vaccination certificates.

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Simply contact us, and we’ll get to work to send you a provisional quotation that suits your particular insurance needs

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