Let’s Have a look at Mental Health During my years of practice, I used to ask many individuals on their definition of being healthy. Majority would reflect on physical signs and symptoms of the things going on in their lives and bodies, seldom did anyone mention the mind. Contrary, World Health organization (WHO) defines Health […]
By: Nelly Tuluba25th Feb 2019
Let’s Have a look at Mental Health
During my years of practice, I used to ask many individuals on their definition of being healthy. Majority would reflect on physical signs and symptoms of the things going on in their lives and bodies, seldom did anyone mention the mind. Contrary, World Health organization (WHO) defines Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease.
According to Global Surveys, mental illnesses have shown an increasing burden around the world i.e. 14 % of the population, whereas in Kenya 1 in 4 individuals, suffer from mental health related disorders. This may include depression, anxiety, stress and eating disorders. This means that there is a high likelihood that several individuals around us are troubled with this issue and we are not aware.
Such a simple aspect will move forward and affect our lives either at work or at home and may manifest in form of poor performance at work, lack of concentration, irritability, being withdrawn or all over and may worsen and create suicide tendencies. Therefore, it is extremely important that we raise awareness and support those around us, who have opened up about it or are suffering in silence.
Why should we have Mental health awareness?
According to Lyndsay Marvin: “Mental illness awareness means bringing down the walls of stigma by sharing our experiences, stories, and truths. It means educating others on what mental illness REALLY is, and helping those with illnesses know they are not alone.”
It’s interesting to point out that the mind has both brilliant and influential aspects. This means that it has the ability to pep talk us and remind us of the good and at the same time sink us in an abyss. So, in order to pull any changes in our lives, we need to start by formulating them in our minds.
It is important to let people know on how common these issues are, thus can be addressed simply like other medical conditions. Emphasis on positivity and self-love may be the big steps in making our lives a priority.
What are the possible outcomes of such awareness?
When we allow people to be open and honest with their struggles, it helps them build personal confidence and at the same time maximize their performance at work.
A healthy mind is a library of brilliant ideas. By being open and spreading awareness you not only bring them to the light but help them loose the destructive power within them.
Awareness removes stigma, this can be achieved by trying to see the person and not the illness, thus shouldn’t define the life to live
Parting Shot
If you feel that your mental state is not at ease, it’s okay and important to seek help and support. Seeking professional help is paramount, as your family doctor would be the best person to approach. He or she will be able to discuss with you the best management options and may refer you to another local professional.
Ziard K. Abdelnour once said: There is no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.
Article By: George Onassis -Senior Branch Officer- Health Division GA insurance Ltd, Kisumu
Article: Courtesy
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