New Month Motivation; The Power of Thoughts

Have you ever sat down and remembered an incident that happened many years back and then after a while, you had tears streaming down your face? Thinking about that experience stirred up so many emotions for you, yet it happened a long time ago?


Have you ever sat down and remembered an incident that happened many years back and then after a while, you had tears streaming down your face? Thinking about that experience stirred up so many emotions for you, yet it happened a long time ago and you’d probably even forgotten about it before that moment. That is how powerful thoughts are. They can invoke emotions, even if it is not your present hour reality.

What are thoughts?

Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have constructive or destructive possibilities.

Many times, we underestimate the significance of the thoughts that we process but the reason you are where you are today, whether it is in a good or bad place, is a result of your thoughts. Thoughts are so powerful that they are the reason you are either experiencing immense liberty in your life or unending difficulties.

For you to be focused and work smart towards a goal, it is most likely as a result of the belief in yourself and the vision you have for that area of your life. This belief in oneself is strengthened with time through an avalanche of positive thoughts towards a venture/project/relationship. The more one processes positive thoughts about something, the more even your words align to that as well. So, at this point, one’s joy and fulfillment is above the outcome of the project. Whether it succeeds or not, there is such a strong willpower to continue, no matter what.

Until you change a person’s thinking, you cannot change their life. If all someone has ever seen themselves doing is fail at everything, then no matter how much they rise, they will rise only to fall because their thoughts cannot sustain their new level of success. A person’s thinking can hold them bondage until the grave.

The quickest way to trigger your thoughts is through images; meaning you have to visualize something in your mind.

You may be asking, “Well, how do I see it?” You see it by the power of your mind and through your imagination. You have to visualize it first. And if you dwell on a thought long enough, it will surely come to pass.

Renowned life coach, Tony Robins, in the Netflix Documentary, “I Am Not Your Guru,” talks about how he created the Tony Robbins you see today through positive affirmations. His thoughts and words were aligned to what he wanted to become, despite the childhood trauma he developed in the hands of his mum. He spent time processing the right thoughts and making positive affirmations and seeing the final version of himself, what he wanted to become, in the end. Needless to say, now being one of the greatest businessmen and life coaches today, he definitely conformed to his thoughts and words. People pay thousands of dollars to attend his meetings so as to catch a glimpse of this great man but in reality, the principles are the same, the same simple nuggets we all ignore.

Ask yourself;

Who am I?

When you think about yourself or when you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see a failure looking right back at you? Do you see a not-good-enough human being with deficiencies and weaknesses? Or do you see somebody with the potential to achieve whatever they put their mind to?

One of my friends has always joked that God gave her noticeably big eyes so that she can see the possibilities and realities at her disposal which would be a prerequisite to her success. Somebody else in the same situation would have viewed it as insecurity in that regard but she is in so much control of her thoughts and it is evident in her being a trailblazer among her peers.

So, how do you see yourself behind closed doors?

Who do you see looking right back at you?

What kind of future do you see for your family or professional life? Do you think you have the ability to create that future?

What thoughts do you process about yourself and those around you?

What is your perception of yourself?

What thoughts do you process about your job?

Do you think you can complete this task successfully?

The truth is, whatever you think about yourself is true. It might not be the reality yet but soon, it will manifest. We become our thoughts and in turn, our thoughts become our reality; whether negative or positive. Thoughts affect how you view a situation and how you navigate yourself through it. Negative thoughts create negative realities even when they are in your favor and in the same way, positive thoughts create positive realities even when they are not in your favor. For example, in the workplace, creating the right perception about a colleague  will allow you to extend grace to them and not immediately brand them a failure when they make a mistake.

If you can be honest with yourself, then you will admit that the thoughts you process about yourself or something is the primary reason for where you are today because like I said, if you dwell on a thought long enough, you will become ‘it.’

The extent of your vision is the boundary of your success. How far your vision can go, is dependent on what you see and think about yourself.

Now do not get me wrong, the power of thoughts is not about denying facts. You are not denying the fact that you need to sharpen your skill to be better in your work. No, you have accepted the fact, but you do not allow the facts to influence your thinking. You do not allow your inexperience to create a perception that you are not good enough. In fact, accepting a weakness in any area and working on it is so liberating. This is quite different from the person who identifies their weaknesses and resorts to thinking that they are a failure. When you are confident in who you are, then nothing and nobody will ever make you feel otherwise.


The power of thoughts.

Do not let your mind just wander. Discipline your mind. Choose what to think about. Choose what thoughts to accept. You might not have control over what you think about or what thoughts come to your mind, but you have the choice to dwell on that particular thought or not.

What thoughts will you allow into your mind? If it takes shouting to yourself and saying that you will not allow yourself to dwell on a negative thought in your mind, then do it!

Take control of your life today by being in control of your mind and have a productive month ahead!

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