GA WELLNESS GUIDE: Hepatitis-The Silent Killer

GA WELLNESS GUIDE: Hepatitis-The Silent Killer

Did you know that viral hepatitis causes around 1.1 million deaths per year?

What is it?
Hepatitis is a condition where the liver becomes inflamed, which can damage it and affect how it functions.

The Hepatitis ABC’s
There are 3 main types of Hepatitis:
Hepatitis A (HAV)
• Contaminated food or water
• Contact with contaminated faecal matter
• Close contact with an infected person

Hepatitis B (HBV)
• Blood and bod fluids
• Sexual contact
• Mother to child during birth

Hepatitis C (HCV)
• Blood and body fluids
• Shared drug-Injection equipment
• Sexual contact (less common)
• Mother to child during birth (less common)

Know the signs 
• Fatigue
• Jaundice
• Abdominal pain
• Liver biopsy (in some cases) vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Fever
• Dark urine

How It’s Diagnosed
• Blood Tests
• Scans
• Liver Biopsy(in some cases)

How It’s Treated
• Antiviral medications
• Lifestyle changes (like avoiding alcohol)
• Liver Transplant (in severe cases)

How to prevent it
• Vaccination (for Hepatitis A & B)
• Practice safe sex
• Avoid sharing needles
• Limit alcohol consumption
• Practice good hygiene

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